
Welcome from Chairs

Welcome from Chairs

Dear Colleagues,

The American Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology is pleased to invite you to Chicago, Illinois for the 6th AABIP Annual Conference.

This year’s meeting will take place August 24-26 at the Sheraton Grand Riverwalk Chicago.

We are excited to be back for a comprehensive in-person program this year. For the first time at the AABIP Annual Conference we will integrate hands-on education, interactive and didactic sessions. Join us in person in Chicago. For those unable to attend in-person, you will be able to view content through online access after the meeting.

The Annual AABIP Conference provides interventional pulmonologists, advanced bronchoscopists, critical care specialists, thoracic surgeons, advanced practice providers, respiratory therapists, nurses, trainees and industry colleagues, with the opportunity to meet, discuss and learn about current trends and the latest technological developments, industry breakthroughs and guidelines for thoracic diseases.

We welcome you to Chicago to enjoy great art, entertainment, food, diversity and an unforgettable educational experience. We look forward to seeing you and your colleagues on August 24-26th 2023 at the Sheraton Grand Riverwalk Chicago!


Septimiu Murgu, MD
President of AABIP

Ellen Volker, MD
Scientific Program Committee Chair

Jasleen Pannu, MD
Scientific Program Committee Vice Chair