
About AABIP​

About AABIP​

Annual Conference of American Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology

The organization

Since its founding in 1992, the American Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology has been a unifying source for information regarding the fields of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology.

Septimiu Murgu is the current President of the AABIP. Carla Lamb is serving as Vice President and Sonali Sethi is Secretary Treasurer. Along with the Board of Directors, AABIP works hard to assure that membership in the AABIP is a worthwhile experience.

Membership in the AABIP is not just for physicians. There is a very enthusiastic Affiliate’s Forum made up of nurses, respiratory therapists, and technicians involved in pulmonary interventional procedures. They also offer reduced rate membership for fellows and residents.

When you join the AABIP, you will become a society-based member of the World Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (WABIP).

AABIP’s achievements

Since its founding in 1992 and over the last few years, we have achieved significant milestones, including having the Journal of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology become indexed on Index Medicus, having IP Fellowship programs become part of the National Residency Match Program, running twice-yearly scientific symposium and developing and implementing the first Board Certification Exam in Interventional Pulmonology.

Our journal

The Journal of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology is the official journal of the AABIP. Dr. Udaya B.S. Prakash was the founder, first Editor in Chief of the JOB and the founding president of the AAB.  In 2009, the Journal changed names to the Journal of Bronchoscopy and Interventional Pulmonology in order to more fully encompass our broadening field.  In the past years the Journal has witnessed significant expansion in the number and quality of submitted original investigations.  We encourage you to support the Journal and the field of Bronchoscopy and Interventional Pulmonology by submitting your relevant research.  Submission guidelines can be found at: www.bronchology.com.

Our symposium

The biennial Scientific Symposium of the American Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology has been a tremendous success over the past years, and is held during the ATS and AABIP annual conferences.  This symposium highlights presentations of research in progress, completed projects as well as up and coming collaborative ideas. Presenters have included fellows, junior and senior faculty and turnout has been outstanding.  The agenda for the next symposium, to be held in Chicago, IL during the AABIP Annual Conference August 24-26, 2023, we encourage you to present your ideas (more info to follow).  The officers encourage input from the membership regarding future programs and the mission of the AABIP.

If you would like to know more about AABIP you may do so by visiting the society’s official website by clicking here